Pirate Bay Watch Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize
- A story of love between a mentally-ill father who was wrongly accused of murder and his lovely six years old daughter. The prison would be their home. Based on 2013 Korean movie "Miracle in cell No. 7"
- 22231 Votes
- Özge Efendioglu
- 8,8 / 10 Stars
- Countries - Turkey
- Cast - Celile Toyon Uysal, Aras Bulut Iynemli
Watch miracle in cell no. 7 eng sub.
Watch Miracle in Cell no. 7.5.
I was told this film was a great drama about a disabled father who fell from grace and his relationship to his daughter. An exploration of the human experience. It's is nothing like that, but a load of stereotypes, a very basic story with a thirst for cartoonish cruelty, cliched bad guys with piercing eyes and stiff faces and a twist so predictable and forced its painful to watch. People cry with this because it's designed to make them feel guilty and to create a false sense of connection with characters that are in reality paper thin: the dad is just a victim, doesn't have any other virtue or depth, the little girl is cute, always a divine light in her face and a sense of forced innocence to make you go "aww" the dead girl's dad is evil, has no personality, his only trait is the way he smokes, the inmates are a pirate crew. There are no characters, only caricatures.
It's a soapy drama reminiscent of The Passion of the Christ: every sour thing on screen is designed to provoke despair, sadness and repulsion, but there's just that, the story doesn't say anything, it's just a cheap ride.
There's a somber character that is so mysterious and conceals so much information, you immediately know will play a key but artificial role in the big scope of the story. He's never really explored, because he's just a hidden ace for the film to deliver its final trick, which is so improbable and absurd, you feel cheated by the two hours prior to the reveal.
This film is more interested in making you suffer than developing characters and creating a story with a purpose. It says nothing about the human spirit, totally devoid of significance.
I really find it interesting that it holds such.a high rating on IMDB when it feels closer to a telenovela than it is to a powerful drama.
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Watch Miracle in Cell no. 7.1. Watch miracle in cell no 7 tagalog. Pleasant viewing. Watch Miracle in Cell no 2002.
Watch Miracle in Cell no. 7.2. Home Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize Cast: Nisa Sofiya Aksongur, Aras Bulut Iynemli Genre: Drama Author(s): Ozge Efendioglu, Kubilay Tat Director: Mehmet Ada Oztekin Country: Tur Year: 2019 London Cinemas Showing Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize From: Friday 8th May To: Thursday 14th May No cinema infomation at the moment From: Friday 15th May To: Thursday 21st May UK and Irish Cinemas Showing Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize No cinema infomation at the moment. Herkes niye bugün izledi aq. Watch miracle in cell no. 7 online free. Behzatç değil hep burda olanları görelim 🙏. The film is good but with events that you might anticipate and unexpected twists and turns. In terms of script it may have some loose ends. Overall the idea behind all was to leave ethical and moral messages. It has drama, a gripping screenplay and the old typical scheme David vs Goliath fight. Worth to watch. Ranked at the top in Netflix in my country.
Aras Bulut Iynemli, Nisa Sofiya Aksongur, Deniz Baysal, Celile Toyon Uysal Yedinci Kogustaki Mucize is a movie starring Aras Bulut Iynemli, Nisa Sofiya Aksongur, and Deniz Baysal. A story of love between a mentally-ill father who was wrongly accused of murder and his lovely six years old daughter. The... Watch miracle in cell no 7 tagalog full movie. Watch Miracle in Cell no. 7.8. 7. koğuştaki mücizeden gelenler... Recebin askerde oldugunu düşünün galaya girenlerin tansiyonu düşer. Çocuk çok çalışkan ya askerliğini yaptı,bir film çekti ve şimdi de Çukur çekimleri maşAllah be Arasım bu çalışkanlıkla ve yetenekle başarılı olmaman tuhaf olurdu zaten♡. Watch miracle in cell no. 7 full movie.
Watch miracle in cell no.7 turkish movie. 12:26 😂😂😂. Watch Miracle in Cell no. 7.0. Watch Miracle in Cell no. 7 jours. Watch miracle in cell no. 7 tagalog. 7. Koğuştaki Mucize. Çok güzeldi film be hala etkisindeyim. Eski ferman: Bu hastanede yerin yok Yeni ferman: yaparsin aslanim. Watch miracle in cell no. 7 full movie eng sub. Watch miracle in cell no. 7 full movie english sub. Watch miracle in cell no 7 2019. Watch miracle in cell no.7 korean movie.
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